Yes it is a major bummer for laptop manufactures, it seems all these units had Sony Batteries, bummer for them too. But all this is old news to you I can see, but here is the kicker. I talked to a retired NSA guy or so he claimed at a local coffee shop in Brunswick, GA and he told me that the recall was fake and it is a trick.
Well I thought, this I have to hear, so what is the trick? Well he said the new batteries have GPS RFID chips in them to track the computers and so when you replace the batteries under these recalls they will know everywhere you go? Who is they I wondered?

Indeed he said they were the secret NSA police and they were working with the aliens to track humans because all the humans are getting plump and ready for harvest. No wonder Americans are so fat, as they have been feeding us fattening foods to get them ready for the slaughter houses I thought? Well, it appeared to me that this homeless vet, never worked for the NSA, but was an excellent story teller, so I gave him a tip. The FBI is hiring and here is $5.00 to get some more alcohol and freshen up for his job interview.
"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/. Lance is an online writer in retirement.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lance_Winslow
ОтветитьУдалитьA blog worth reading on forward until the end! :) I really admire the wording in this blog, quite precise to the details but I just might change one or two things, never-the-less, bravo on well choiced words mate.. p.s.>> Thanks for sharing, I actually picked up some knowledge on this one :)
-Have an amazing day!
HP Laptop Parts